Property Details
Western Kansas deer hunting at its finest in Unit 1!!
The majority of this property sits on over 500 acres of rolling terrain. It is a great mixture of pasture, agriculture, and timbered areas. The timbered areas border a lot of the agriculture fields. These fields were in corn this past year and this was plenty of activity along these edges.
The ag fields will be a rotation of row crops.
The pasture elevates up around the ag fields and gives some great views of the whole property.
Great places to glass the area and set up for some nice rifle hunts. The pastures have a lot of yucca in them providing some great cover for bedding bucks. The yuccas are over waste high in some areas!! There are also some ponds in the pastures for a water source.
The pasture also has some great ravines running through it. These ravines have plenty of trees for cover and stands. Plenty of mature trees for stands or cedars to throw a ground blind up against. There is a ravine that runs to the east towards the south end of the pasture. This ravine runs right up into a small little acreage of native grass and trees. Looks like a great place to ambush a buck headed to bed!!
The 320 acres in Sheridan county has two pivots on it. I would not say this would be a great spot for deer but I also would not discount it as there are trails coming to the pivots. My thought would be this area is more for upland game and possibly geese using the pivots. There is some corners around the pivots that could hold some birds. The pasture to the west has pond. It was dry now but did have water and in a wet year could hold some waterfowl.
ATV's allowed for hunting purposes only, no trail riding, and avoid damaging the fence on the property. Respect to crops and crop ground is a must!
$2 million hunting liability insurance included with lease price.
Owner reserves the right to pasture cattle.
Outfitters/guides must provide their own additional insurance.